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Chakra Balancing for Beginners

Amy Squires

What are the 7 Chakras?

The seven Chakras - Chakra Balancing - Body, Mind & Ki

Chakra meaning in English: Chakra [Sanskrit] – wheel.

Have you heard of them, those delightful, spinning wheels of energy we all have but cannot see?

Do you know what the Chakras are or where the Chakras sit?

Are Chakras real? What is Chakra Balancing?


These seven vortexes run along the length of your spinal column and play a vital role in your physical, emotional and mental health.

How do they play such role?

Chakras are responsible for your Ki (Qi or prana) - your life force energy!

That’s a mighty responsibility and it is OUR responsibility to maintain a balance in our Chakras. Like everything else, they need attention and care.

These energetic wheels can become blocked and result in a variety of physical, emotional and mental ailments. A blockage means that the energy is no longer flowing easily. This will result in either an overactive or underactive chakra.

Fortunately, Reiki is a very effective method to balance your chakras! I have also created an easy to follow, step-by-step video guidance to help you balance your Chakras!

To help us understand the chakras, each has been assigned its own:

  • Chakra number

  • Chakra colour

  • Chakra location and

  • Chakra purpose.

Let’s dive right in:

1. The Root Chakra

Muladhara [Sanskrit] MULA “Root” DHARA “Support”

Colour: Red

The Root Chakra - Balance your Chakras
The Root Chakra - Muladhara

Location: The base of your spine, near your tailbone. This chakra extends to just below your belly button.

Purpose: To connect your energy to the earth (grounding)

When your Root Chakra is balanced: You feel a sense of accomplishment, feeling secure when thinking about finances and basic needs (survival instinct)

When it is unbalanced:

Overactive - anxiety, lower back or hip pain, digestive issues

Underactive - daydreaming, unfocused (you may get comments of being ’space-y'/space cadet’

2. The Sacral Chakra

Svadhishana [Sanskrit] “the place of the self”

Colour: Orange

The Sacral Chakra - Balance your Chakras
The Sacral Chakra - Svadhishana

Location: below the belly button and extends to the belly buttons center.

Purpose: creative & sexual energy, identity as a human

When your Sacral Chakra is balanced: you have a healthy sexual appetite, feel creative and have healthy relationships (appropriately stimulated emotional centers)

When it is unbalanced:

Overactive – addiction, obesity Underactive – depression, decreased sex drive, lack of creativity

3. The Solar Plexus

Manipura [Sanskrit] “lustrous gem”

The Solar Plexus Chakra - Balance your Chakras
The Solar Plexus - Manipura

Colour: Yellow

Location: starts in the center of the belly button and extends up to the breastbone

Purpose: Self-esteem, confidence

When your Solar Plexus is balanced: you experience wisdom, decisiveness, confidence

When it is unbalanced:

Overactive - controlling, irritable, lack of compassion, digestive issues

Underactive - insecure, indecisive, lacking confidence

4. The Heart Chakra

Anahata [Sanskrit] “unhurt”

Colour: Green

The Heart Chakra - Balance your Chakras
The Heart Chakra - Anahata

Location: over your heart and it radiates down to your breastbone and up to your throat

Purpose: Health, love & healing, compassion

When your Heart Chakra is balanced: You feel appropriate love for yourself and others

When it is unbalanced:

Overactive - lack of kindness for self, heart burn, relationship issues

Underactive - walls up in relationships, feeling out of touch with self

5. The Throat Chakra

Vishuddha [Sanskrit] “very pure”

The Throat Chakra - Balance your Chakras
The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha

Colour: Blue

Purpose: your ‘voice’- speaking your truth, communication

Location: in your neck/throat

When your Throat Chakra is balanced: you speak your truth and experience kindness

When it is unbalanced:

Overactive - loud voice, speaking more than necessary in social situations, ‘foot in mouth’

Underactive - unable to express your truth, not speaking up when needed.

6. The Third Eye Chakra

Anja [Sanskrit] “beyond wisdom”

Colour: Indigo

The Third Eye Chakra - Balance your Chakras
The Third Eye Chakra - Anja

Purpose: Intuition – 6th sense, imagination

Location: between your eyebrows. This chakra extends down to your mouth and up to the top of your head

When your Third Eye is balanced: you are in tune with the world, good intuition

When is it unbalanced:

Overactive - this is UNLIKELY (you would be consumed with psychic information, tarot card readings and astrology, unable to connect with the real world)

Underactive - disconnected from spiritual practice, headaches, allergies.

7. The Crown Chakra

Sahaswara [Sanskrit] “thousand petaled”

The Crown Chakra - Balance your Chakras
The Crown Chakra - Sahaswara

Colour: Violet / White

Location: the top of your head and extends down to between your eyes and upward and outward.

Purpose: connects you to the energy of the rest of the universe, awareness, intelligence

When your Crown Chakra is balanced: Nirvana – happiness, good health and wisdom

When it is unbalanced:

Overactive: NOT POSSIBLE Underactive: HUMAN

Chakra balancing is exactly what is sounds like. Balancing those wheels of energy when they become unbalanced. This is important because an over or under active chakra disturbs the flow of our energy. Throwing us…you guessed it out of balance! Subscribe for our Newsletter to help get you started!

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