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60-90 minutes

What is Reiki?

Rei means the spiritual wisdom and higher intelligence that guides the creation and functioning of the universe. Ki, the universal life force, is the non-physical energy that animates all living things. Reiki is a natural healing technique which promotes relaxation and accelerates the body's natural ability to heal itself.

When your life force (energy) is low or, if there is a restriction in its flow, you will be vulnerable to illness. Reiki removes restrictions and restores your energy. When this happens, your energy is high and flows freely, creating space for health, vitality, and well-being.

What should I expect during a Reiki session?

  • During a Reiki treatment you will lay on a Reiki table and have the option of a blanket and pillows. If you are not comfortable laying down, your session can be done while you are seated in a chair.

  • You will remain fully clothed. If you are wearing sandals, I recommend that you bring along a pair of comfortable socks.

  • While practicing Reiki, I will gently place my hands on you, and you may notice that my hands become warm as the session commences.

  • Everybody experiences Reiki differently. If it's your first session the key is not to 'look' for sensations or to have specific expectations. Try to relax and enjoy the flow of the positive Reiki energy.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for the session?

  • If this is your first session with me, please arrive 10 minutes early so that you can fill out the required paperwork.

  • It is helpful not to drink alcohol 12 hours before and 48 hours after the Reiki session. Please drink enough water and enjoy herbal tea.

What are the potential benefits of this session?

Following Reiki treatments, my clients have described feeling calmer, more relaxed and having better sleep. They have also told that their ability to cope with life stresses improved, and they have become 'un-stuck' - able to move forward, past blocks previously holding them back. Potential benefits of Reiki include:

  1. Pain reduction

  2. Decrease in blood pressure

  3. Promoted growth

  4. Stimulated healing

  5. Improvement in the quality of life for cancer patients (A clinic in Western Australia has a Reiki clinic for patients receiving treatment for cancer)

  6. Decrease in disease symptoms

  7. Stress reduction (affects body & mind)

It is recommended, for chronic and acute symptoms, that Reiki be received regularly for optimal results. If you are experiencing trauma or working through a challenging life event or emotional blocks, you may consider receiving Reiki daily or weekly in 4 session blocks. To discuss this option prior to booking, please get in touch for a free consult call.

Cancellation Policy

For cancellations, please notify us at least 48 hours in advance to avoid having to pay in full. Any cancellation or rescheduling less than 48 hours before the session will result in the forfeiture of the booking fee.

Fees paid for courses or treatments are non-refundable. They may be held in credit, or transferred to another name, and must be redeemed within 6 months of purchase after which time they are forfeited.

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